"Spring"  by Lucy Leonel

Welcome to
Wexford Camera Club

Since 1979, Wexford Camera Club has been a community for local photography enthusiasts, regardless of their level, to share, learn, and grow their passion for capturing moments. The club has grown and expanded since it was founded and is still one of the most active Camera Clubs in the county.

We provide our members, from novices to advanced photographers, opportunity to come together in a friendly and mutually supportive environment and develop their skills through talks, discussions, workshops and photo challenges.

We are a member of the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF) and the (Irish) Southern Association of Camera Clubs (SACC) and several our members have gained medals, distinctions and awards from Irish and international bodies.

We meet every second Monday and welcome new members at any time of the year.

Follow us:

Image: Spring by Lucy Leonel

Club Events

Next Club Meeting

Location: St. Joseph's Community Centre, Bishopswater, Wexford, Y35 A66C

Contact us if you'd like to attend!

31 March at 7:30pm

Image: Collage of selected still life photographs by Denis O'Reilly

Club AGM - Members Only

"One day in August"

Image: Harp by Ian Moriarty

Solo Exhibition by
Darren Arkins

28 February - 10 April
D'Lush Café
Wexford Arts Centre

This collection captures candid moments during Wexford town’s inaugural Fleadh Cheoil held in August 2024.

Darren, who resides near New Ross, Co. Wexford embarked on his photography journey in 2023 and is especially drawn to the timelessness of black and white imagery. It is the absence of colour in his Fleadh Cheoil photographs that strips away distractions and reveals emotions, textures, and contrasts that define the essence of those moments in August 2024.

"Celestial Wonders" talk and presentation

"Copper mines" by Louise Skelly
"Copper mines" by Louise Skelly

Astro photography talk by Louise Skelly as part of Irish Astronomy week.

More info at: https://www.irishastronomyweek.ie/event/celestial-wonders/

Tuesday, 4 March at 7 pm

Image: "Copper mines" by Louise Skelly

Location: Wexford Town Library, Mallin St, Townparks, Wexford, Y35 AY20


11 April - 29 May
D'Lush Café
Wexford Arts Centre

The exhibition showcases images submitted by members to the still life photography challenge organised by the Club.

"Still Life"

Wexford Camera Club member's exhibition.

"Things Unsaid" - still life by Donna Kehoe
"Things Unsaid" - still life by Donna Kehoe

Image: Things Unsaid by Donna Kehoe

Thank You to Our Partners and Sponsors!

Wexford County CouncilWexford County Council
Wexford LibraryWexford Library
Wexford Arts CentreWexford Arts Centre
Stella Maris CentreStella Maris Centre
Kilmore Quay Seafood FestivalKilmore Quay Seafood Festival
D'Lush CaféD'Lush Café
Enniscorthy Camera ClubEnniscorthy Camera Club
Seamus Kenny Gallery Framing Printing PortraitsSeamus Kenny Gallery Framing Printing Portraits